Sunday, April 27, 2008

taking stock - my 22nd bday

13th - dinner with jo
17th - dinner with darian
19th - lunch with family, dinner with may anne
20th - cell group celebration, dinner with family
21st - lunch & dinner yujie

jo bought me dinner
darian - ck shoes and hugo boss shirt, plus dinner
parents - $200
cell group - jigsaw of cg photo
kang ping - card and pin up
vivian zou - card
vivian tian - card
chen hao - cake (bleah)
shi jun - escada perfume
yujie - $200 club21 vouchers

honestly, apart from my family, it's only my best friends who really give. darian matched his giving last year if dinner's included. i'm so overwhelmed by yujie's present. he hardly spends any money and he splurged $200 on me. omg. i really really don't know what to do. all i can say is, he has really changed so much. when i opened the envelope (which was similar to offering envelope), my eyes nearly dropped out. i nearly cried. i was so touched.

i think i'm gonna break up with may anne. but i'm so confused. i don't know if it's the right thing to do.

the five love languages:
quality time
words of affirmation
gift giving
acts of service
physical touch

i think my 2 best friends express their love for me much more than she does.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my destiny

i think i know where i'm going to work towards. this birthday, i did a lot of thinking.

i probably need 20 or 30 years or even more. but i'm gonna keep this dream alive. i'm gonna keep it to myself (and this blog, and maybe i'll tell yujie). i know i have what it takes. i will be a mover and shaker in the society. minister of finance? head of a huge ngo? basically positions which will enable me to bring fundamental change in society. every time i look around me, i always ask myself, what is the implication on society? coffee shops empty, supermarkets less busy...society is going through an economic crisis and the poor are hit. second question i always ask. what can the govt do? i haven't figured that out. but i must say, the govt runs a good ship economically.

one day, god, if you so desire, put me in that position of power. i promise to be a good steward.