a relook at new year resolutions - march
- lose more weight. by the end of 2006, i shd be able to fit into a size 30 or 32 comfortably and weigh um...75-80 kg? the inches will be used as the standard yardstick in this case with size 32 being the minimum i must attain.
- exercise on a regular basis, at least 3 times a week.
not too successful. work harder. i shall eat less this week and exercise 3 times minimum!!
- maintain a healthy state of finances. be more thrifty, ie, spend less on food and needless shopping and cab rides. sell off some of my stuff to get some money. by the end of 2006, i shd have at least S$1200 in savings, that's an average of S$100 a month, even after the overseas trips.
not too bad so far. shd start sorting out things to sell on yahoo auctions. maybe i shd relook at targetted amount. leave it for now but shd look more into it later in the year.
- read up on econs, politics and philosophy. at least 1 book on politics and philosophy and 2 on econs.
read read read!!
- get my 3sg rank.
- develop better relationships with my colleagues.
yes to both. am doing all right in office i think. i guess that's me isnt it? good at pr and work.
- meet up with long lost friends and maintain the friendships - liyu, michelia, jamin, hissoc pple, liyang, chs pple etc.
not bad either. met up with hissoc pple and liyang. and justin.
- pray seriously every day. trust god more. read the bible at least 3 times a week.
- try to bring my close friends to christ - yan da, ritchie etc.
my spiritual life does not seem to be moving very fast. i shall read the bible this week. i'll finish acts by the end of this week.
- keep in touch with overseas friends - flor, xiu, mel, jo, jill etc.
- respect my parents more.
doing all right.
- visit my grandmother more. on top of her birthday, cny, mother's day and christmas, i should see her at least 3 more times throughout the year.
- develop better relations with my brothers. offer shijun help in studies.
i must try harder with both. esp with the latter.
- give my students my best shot. take tuition seriously.
yes i am. have 3 students now.
- visit my rabbits more often, at least once to twice a month.
must try to keep this up!!
in conclusion, i really need to work harder. haha.